So you're more popular with women
these days?
"Yeah (laughs), I've always
been more popular with women, since I was a kid."
Despite being flavour of the month?
"I can't get into all that groupie
shit. Some girls make it really obvious, but I'm really anti that. As soon as
I know a girl's into me, I'll do something really horrible. Draw her in
and fuck her off. It makes me angry that some women just think a man will
automatically shag them because he's got a penis. Thinking that just being
pretty is enough, makes me angry. So I'll do stuff Iike start talking to
'em and say stuff like, 'You're not very pretty, are you?' It really upsets
'em. I've found that pretty girls, especially London, trendy girls, just
want the obvious nice things said to 'em. All they want to do is talk about
themselves. I don't meet many girls I like, actually."
Do you meet many people you like?
"No, I dont. But if I do and I see
around a lot, it soon gets destroyed. If I see something in 'em I don't
like, that's it, they're out of my life." |