Freddie Foreman
My name's Freddie, Freddie Foreman
I was born in 1932
I was a war child baby, I was eight years old 
when the war was declared
So I was an evacuee, very unhappy childhood really
Everybody was anti-authority in those days
They never really believed in uniforms or police
It was installed in you not to grass on your friends
or inform on your mates
I'd leave school at fourteen start going working in a factory
Humping fucking hundred weight sacks up ladders and things
That's all I could do as a kid
And all it did was build your strength up you know and
You would get like four quid a week, 
what could you do with four pound a week
So you had to go out and do a bit of thieving
And that’s how I turned to crime really
And then I got nicked and went to The Old Bailey
The number one court at sixteen years of age
Now little did I know then that I would be going back to
The number one court about Five times in years to come
Prison is an education Prison educates people
As years went on I progressed and you just 
get in a bigger league you know
Going for bigger prizes and getting big big money
You have to do your apprenticeship through the prison system
And that's where you educate yourself, 
that's where people learn their trade
Don't they really that's how I progressed
And then it got to the big league we was robbing 
firms was getting money
Get a few of their workers,
Give them an extra four quid in their wages
Give them a cosh, put them in the back of the lorry
Send them all down to the bank to pick up the wages
As they used to come, we used to ram the lorry
and then steam in the back and Nobody really got hurt it was all over so quick

They was about twenties and thirty grand in those days and of course
The whole objective of getting that sort of money was to go straight
and invest it into straight businesses

But every straight business you went into used to fold
and we'd employ people for a few months.
And then you was out on the payment again trying to get a bit more

This is how things happened
And then in sixty one there was a big armoured truck went
through Bow Common Lane And it was going to the gas works

It was taking the wages there from Couttes Bank in the city
It had a policeman on board, a city copper with a dog and
four tellers in the back making up the wages,

It was a big brown bus like, very strong, stronged up
We stopped it in Bow Common Lane and we rammed the front,
stopped it dead Come along the side of it, done the windows in the side

Came round the back put a chain in there,
wrenched the two back doors right off in one swoop.

Went in to get the money which was laying there
in these lovely brown leather cricket bags, that's what they used to use those days,

And all of a sudden, there is two guys in the back of the van, standing with the shooters
They started letting go with these hand guns, 
all we used to use those days was like pick axe handles,
Now this was a different story, 
there they were within your reach, the bags
And you couldn't get your hands to them cause 
these bullets were flying everywhere
The copper jumped out the side door with his dog,
And there was a fight going on with a couple of the firm round there,
Next thing you now, one of the firms on the floor crawling
on his hands and knees and he's got a bullet through his head

Shot him right through his head and out the other side.
We couldn't get in the back of the van, got our man away,

Went back, done the copper with a sledge hammer,
Smashed fuck out of him, he let the geazer go, one of the firm,
And then we got all our men away and drove off,
left the money there because of the two fellows with the shooters,

It was the turning point in the crime scene,
because from then on you never pulled out on the street without a shotgun

From then on things changed.

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