Berlin, Germany (11.12.01)
about 90 mins.
vocals: Tricky, Hawkman,???

tracklist (probably not complete and not the in the correct order):
Intro (Ko-La: What's It Gonna Be)
new song ('It's Just A Question')
You Don't Wanna 
Black Steel 
Hot Like A Sauna
For Real (long version) 
Money Greedy (long version)
Critic ("Original, Original")

the ticket:


here's my review: 

My expectations for this show were not very high (after reading a couple of negative reviews and having seen Tricky already in July), so i was totally surprised how great this show was! Some things were the same as always (dark stage, energy, thanks you very very very much), but some things definitely different.

The show started with an Intro which could have been the new b-side "What's it gonna be" by Ko-La, but I'm not sure (I must admit that the whole memory of this show is a bit of a blur in my mind, because it's been now three weeks ago). Then a new song that repeats the line "It's just a question" or something like that very often, typical Tricky-mantra-style. The first thing I noticed that was different from previous shows is the more rock-sound and rock-onstage-behaviour. No more backs to the audience or wild shaking, Tricky was standing with his side to the audience, moving his hands on the mic like Björk often does.

Also the development in the songs seemed different to me. He played a lot of long and more intense versions of songs, like always ("Money Greedy" was one of the highlights). But this time there were more contrasts in the songs, loud parts changed with more silent parts with Tricky whispering, and lots of echoes. Also "For Real" was played in a longer, different version that was really good. I was also surprised about the better version of "Hot like a sauna", which is normally my favorite candidate to get skipped on CD. I didn't care so much about the slow songs like "Pumpkin" or "Overcome", especially since the new singer was not very good and seemed insecure. But mostly her voice was hardly heard anyway, so..... Hawkman was very good, and the audience liked him, but he didn't sing much this time.

As soon as I got in the right mood (probably at the time where "Hot like a sauna" was played) the time passed very quickly and the band already left the stage. They just played one encore, the typical long "Vent" version, and then left again. I was a bit disappointed by the short time they played (or maybe I just lost the right feeling for time and space), but all in all it was again a great show and I'm glad I decided to pay the high price for the ticket. 

Tricky was really in a good mood and not tired at all, which surprised me after such a long tour. The audience was very positive and really in the mood to dance, which didn't happen so often at previous Tricky shows I've been to. So finally I didn't feel like a total alien..........

a review from Der Tagesspiegel, December 14:

Trip Hop 
Rückblick: Licht aus! 

Ulf Lippitz 

Tricky und Licht. Diese Kombination ist so unwahrscheinlich wie Ricky Martin und Punk. Der britische Soundtüftler hüllt sich in ein spärliches Blau - oder versteckt sich ganz im Dunkeln. Wie zu Beginn. Die Zuschauer im Casino erahnen nur, dass der einstige Massive-Attack-Mitstreiter irgendwo dort oben mit von der Partie ist. Sie hören ein ansteigendes Röcheln, daraus formen sich Sätze oder Schreie. "Is that a question?", wiederholt Tricky wie ein Mantra. Darunter spielt die Band einen harten Metal-Sound: Rage Against The Machine plus eine Prise Funk. Klingt, als würden zwei Stahlwerke zusammenkrachen. Immer und immer wieder. Links auf der Bühne bewegt sich ein Schatten manisch hin und her. Wirft wild den Kopf von der einen zur anderen Seite. Schleudertrauma vorprogrammiert. Der Jo-Jo-Kopf entpuppt sich als Tricky. Fahles Licht fällt auf ihn. Gerade so viel, um einen Irokesen-Schnitt und einen freien Oberkörper zu erkennen. Meist zeigt Tricky sich von der Seite oder dreht den Fans seinen Rücken zu. Dann spielt er an einem Keyboard herum, entlockt ihm seltsame Sound-Collagen und jagt den letzten Rest von Harmonie aus der Halle. Nach drei Songs - oder besser: genuschelt bis gebrülltem Hardcore-Tracks - entscheidet es sich. Bricht der Meister der Dissonanz das Konzert ab? Heute hat er gute Laune. Er bleibt. "Black Steel" - der bisher größte Hit vom ersten, noch ganz dem Trip-Hop angehörenden Album ertönt. Ein Quantensprung in Qualität. Hier stimmen Form und Inhalt. Tricky hypnotisiert mit technoiden Sounds und stimmigen Gitarren-Riffs. Danach wieder ab in die Untiefen paranoider Klang-Gewitter. Plötzlich: gleißendes Licht. Mitten ins Publikum. Beruhigend. Wenigstens Tricky sieht etwas von diesem Konzert. 




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